World Majlis | The Chemistry of Happiness

World Majlis

Mental Health and the Science of Happinness

One in four people experience mental illness every year. As a vital component of overall wellness, fundamental to our ability to think, act, react, and enjoy life, it is critical we understand the factors that contribute to mental wellbeing. The physical isolation enforced by the pandemic along with uncertainty about the future have meant challenging times for many people around the world. Combined with the stressors of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, social and economic transformations would seem to be impacting individual happiness and mental wellbeing as never before. According to the WHO, “Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Yet the true prevalence of mental health disorders globally remains poorly understood. Moreover, stigma and discrimination can result in a lack of access to care and services. What are the factors that contribute to a state of wellbeing? How can we ensure that they are accessible to everyone on the planet? Can technology help us?
