Dr. Emiliano Esterci Ramalho, PhD

Dr. Emiliano Esterci Ramalho is the Technical-Scientific Director of the Mamirauá Institute, coordinator of Project Providence, and leader of the Amazon Field Ecology and Conservation Research Group. He was a CAPES/Fulbright scholar at the University of Florida, where he earned a Ph.D. in the Wildlife Ecology and Conservation. He is a founding member of the Alliance for the Conservation of the Jaguar and a member of the Instituto Pró-Carnívoros. He dedicated the last 16 years of his career to jaguar conservation in the Amazonian Flooded Forests with the aim of reducing the number of jaguars killed by hunters and improving the quality of people who live with the species. He is currently responsible for the largest and oldest jaguar research and conservation program in the Brazilian Amazon.